Be Respectful & Polite
- Put your weights back
- Wipe sweat of machines, benches, etc
- Don’t talk on your cell phone
- Don’t “loiter” on a machine you aren't using… someone may be waiting for it
- Allow others to “work-in” during your rest break
- Superset/Circuit courteously. You cannot lay claim to more than one space at a time
- Don’t take pictures of other people
- Don’t be smelly. Use deodorant, be clean, and “scent” neutral (no heavy perfume)
- Wear clean & appropriate workout attire
- No work boots on the treadmills
- Shirt always required
- Shoes required with limited exception (ie. Yoga)
- Keep conversations brief while on the fitness floor to keep workouts moving
- Don’t ask for advice from a trainer while they are working with a client
- Step back at least 3 ft from dumbbell rack after grabbing weights
- Headphones are a polite “do not disturb” sign
Train Smart
- Follow the written instructions on each machine
- If unsure how to properly use a machine, ask a friendly staff member
- Free weight and body weight exercises are meant to be creative and fun, but know how to safely perform the exercise before you try it
- Keep at least 3ft distance away from someone doing a free weight exercise
- Make sure you have at least 3ft of clear space before starting a free weight exercise
- Use safety collars on free weight bars
- Don’t lean on or throw anything (ie. med ball) against the wall
- Don’t put hands on or lean against the mirrors
- If you “mist” on the mirror, please wipe off with your towel
Treat Facility with Respect
- Use one workout towel per workout
- Use workout towel to wipe your body/face. Use the green spray and rag to wipe machines
- If you move a bench or other piece of equipment, return it after you’re done
- Use one or two shower towels per shower
- If floor is wet after your shower, use additional towel to mop up water. It is okay to leave another towel on the floor as a floor mat
- Extra toilet paper is in the tower next to the toilet. Replace as needed
- Used towels go in the laundry basket (locker room / front desk)